Plot:Jack Mosley (Bruce Willis) is alcoholic, burned-out NYPD detective. Despite a late shift the night before, his lieutenant orders him to escort a witness, Eddie Bunker (Mos Def) from local custody to the courthouse 16 blocks away to testify on a police corruption case before a grand jury at 10 a.m. Bunker, a taxi driver, tries to be friendly with Mosley, telling him of his aspirations to move to Seattle to become a cake baker with his sister that he has never met, but Mosley is disinterested, and stops at a liquor store. They are suddenly ambushed by a gunman, and Mosley drags Bunker to a local bar to take shelter and call for backup. Mosley's former partner, Frank Nugent (David Morse), and several other officers arrive. Nugent and his men have ulterior motives, telling Mosley that Bunker is not worth defending as his testimony will likely out several officers, including Nugent, in on the corruption scheme and try to frame Bunker for firing at an officer before they kill him.
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama
IMDB rating: 6.6/10
Directed by: Richard Donner
Starring: Bruce Willis, Mos Def and David Morse
Release Name: 16 Blocks (2006) Hindi Dubbed Dual Audio BRRip MEDIAFIRE DOWNLOAD LINK
Size: 800 MB
Links: iMDB
Screenshots :-
IMDB rating: 6.6/10
Directed by: Richard Donner
Starring: Bruce Willis, Mos Def and David Morse
Release Name: 16 Blocks (2006) Hindi Dubbed Dual Audio BRRip MEDIAFIRE DOWNLOAD LINK
Size: 800 MB
Links: iMDB
Screenshots :-
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